One of the things we love most about our bags is the quality of the leather. These are not just bags, they are lifetime pieces. They are high-quality products that can be worn and used for years. Part of that process is taking good care of your purchase. With a little love and care your bag will last for years. We celebrate used products and encourage you to repair when possible. We have even repurposed leather from old furniture to make bags for friends and family! This way we keep the economic circle in motion!
Leather is a living and natural material. It changes over time and use which contributes to it's individual character. Leather is one of the few materials that gets better with age and use. Using your product on rainy days may change the color or texture of the leather, but with time, it typically fades naturally. Do not use heat to dry your bag, just let it dry naturally. Direct heat can dry out the leather. If your leather begins to dry, from water or use, you can use a leather conditioner or protectant. For as long as I can remember, my dad has used good ol Vaseline on his chaps and saddles and swears by it. But you can also use saddle soap or hide rejuvenator to restore life back into your leather.
We love to showcase brands on hides and natural hide markings, because they are unique and play a part in the energy creating each craft. As your leather wears into your personal vintage look, embrace the individual character your leather takes on. (This may include oil marks from hands or body, pull-up effects, hair scuffing for hair-on hides, bends, folds, etc.) Some leathers do lend themselves to more visible scuffs. Dr. Jackson's foaming leather cleaner works wonders for unwanted spots or soils. We have also removed many scuffs with a pencil eraser, baby wipes and even diluted alcohol. We suggest testing on an inconspicuous area of your leather first.
If you are an online or retail store and interested in buying our high-quality custom leather goods wholesale, please contact us directly to discuss quantity-based, discount buying opportunities.
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